Started in 2003 FM Risk is the Rental Property Investor division of FM Agency Group
We want to help investors grow their real estate portfolios from one property to one hundred
We can now offer more insurance products to investors in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama for short term rentals, multi family, renovations, vacant, Fix n Flip and annual leased properties
Our mission is simple
We want to deliver the protection you need for the value you want.
We want to be here after the policy is sold to grow with you and your real estate property portfolio and be there when you need us
We want to see your lower your insurance expenses so you can buy more properties
We help solve insurance problems for every type of property
We want to offer competitive insurance pricing every renewal
Request your Property Insurance proposal
OFFICE: 201 Evans rd ste 315 Elmwood, La 70123
PHONE: 504.348.3131