Every business needs insurance to protect against unexpected claims
Here are the most common coverage options you need
General Liability
When claims are brought against you and your business for your normal business operations this policy can provide coverage and a legal defense.
This coverage helps prevent paying your legal defense costs out of your business bank account.
The insurance company will provide an attorney to defend you and your business even if the claim made against your business is fraudelent.
Workers Compensation
This coverage can provide medical payments to injured employees and you can even include yourself for coverage if injured on the job.
The rate you pay is based off of your employee payroll per each job classification.
You can include yourself as the owner for benefits or exclude yourself from coverage
The policy is subject to an annual audit so you will need to continually report your payroll each year
If your payroll increases you would owe more money to the insurance company
Business Package
You can combine General Liability and Property coverage if your business owns property including a building, business personal property, equipment or goods
Professional Liability
You can negligence on behalf of your employees and you. Mistakes happen and if you provide any advice to a customer and you make a mistake the professional opinion can be covered by a Professional liability policy.
Cyber Liability
Protect your business against Cyber Extortion, Identity Theft of personal customer information and much more
Request your Business Insurance proposal
We are available to review your business insurance needs and present to you a protection proposal you need
You can contact us at 504.348.3131 or send in the request form to get started
OFFICE: 201 Evans rd ste 315 Elmwood, La 70123
PHONE: 504.348.3131
EMAIL: tim@fmagencygroup.com